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Providers guide

As an application provider you allow for enhancing your web application by server-side UI-contributions provided by an application contributor.

How Chartlets works

The basic idea is that application contributors develop the UI-contributions in Python and a REST server developed by you, the application provider, implements three endpoints to publish the UI-contributions to a frontend application:

  • GET /contributions: Called once after application UI starts up. Returns an object whose keys are contribution points (e.g., "panels") and whose values are arrays of contribution objects.
  • POST /layout/{contribPoint}/{contribIndex}: Called once for every contribution when it becomes visible in the UI. Returns the contribution's initial component tree.
  • POST /callback: Called when application users interact with the component tree or on application state changes. Returns an array of contribution changes where each contribution change contains an array of actions to be applied to the component tree.

The following sequence diagram depicts the framework in action. The top shows the frontend application that uses the Chartlets JavaScript library. The bottom shows the lifeline of the backend REST server that uses the Chartlets Python library.


REST server integration

The Chartlets backend implementation is provided by the module chartlets.controllers of the Python package chartlets. It makes it easy to integrate the Chartlets endpoints in your preferred webserver framework, such as Flask, FastAPI, or Tornado.

The following steps are required to enable your web server to support UI-contributions:

  1. Update project dependencies
  2. Implement the possible contributions
  3. Define the contribution points
  4. Load the extensions
  5. Publish the extensions

In the following the above steps are detailed further.

Update project dependencies

Add the Python package chartlets to your project dependencies. Currently, Chartlets is available from PyPI only.

Implement the possible contributions

Implement the application-specific contributions that users can add to their extensions.

As an example, see of the demo:

from chartlets import Contribution

class Panel(Contribution):
    """Panel contribution"""

    def __init__(self, name: str, title: str | None = None):
        super().__init__(name, title=title)

Define the contribution points

Define the possible contribution points in your application.

As an example, see of the demo server:

from chartlets import Extension
from .contribs import Panel

Extension.add_contrib_point("panels", Panel)

Load the extensions

Load the extensions that augment your application.

As an example, see of the demo server:

from chartlets import ExtensionContext

ext_ctx = ExtensionContext.load(app_ctx, extension_refs)

Publish the extensions

Implement the Chartlets API in your application-specific webserver using the controller implementations in chartlets.controllers.

As an example, see of the demo server.

Application UI integration

The JavaScript package chartlets provides the types, actions, and hooks to allow for supporting server-side UI contributions in your React application.

As an example, see the demo application.

As an application provider you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Update project dependencies
  2. Configure the framework
  3. Implement derived application state
  4. Render the contributions

Update project dependencies

Add the chartlets package as a dependency to your package.json. The package provides also TypeScript type definitions. There is nothing more to be considered.

Configure the framework

To configure the framework and fetch the initial contributions from the server the initializeContributions function must be called once in your application. In the following example, the default plugins are used.

import { initializeContributions } from "chartlets";
import mui from "chartlets/plugins/mui";
import vega from "chartlets/plugins/vega";

  plugins: [mui(), vega()],

If you need to separate configuration and fetching configurations you can also pass the options to the configureFramework function and call initializeContributions without options.

Implement derived application state

Coming soon.

Render the contributions

Coming soon.

Extending the framework

Coming soon.