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XRLint - A linter for xarray datasets

XRLint is a linting tool and library for xarray datasets. Its design is heavily inspired by the awesome ESLint tool.


  • Flexible validation for xarray.Dataset and xarray.DataTree objects by configurable rules.
  • Available from CLI and Python API.
  • Custom plugins providing custom rule sets allow addressing different dataset conventions.
  • Project-specific configurations including configuration of individual rules and file-specific settings.
  • Works with dataset files in the local filesystem or any of the remote filesystems supported by xarray.

Inbuilt Rules

The following plugins provide XRLint's inbuilt rules:

  • core: implementing the rules for tidy data and the CF-Conventions.
  • xcube: implementing the rules for xcube datasets. Note, this plugin is fully optional. You must manually configure it to apply its rules. It may be moved into a separate GitHub repo later.