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About XRLint


You can find the complete XRLint changelog here.


If you have suggestions, ideas, feature requests, or if you have identified a malfunction or error, then please post an issue.


The XRLint project welcomes contributions of any form as long as you respect our code of conduct and follow our contribution guide.

If you'd like to submit code or documentation changes, we ask you to provide a pull request (PR) here. For code and configuration changes, your PR must be linked to a corresponding issue.


To install the XRLint development environment into an existing Python environment

pip install .[dev,doc]

or create a new environment using conda or mamba

mamba env create 

Testing and Coverage

XRLint uses pytest for unit-level testing and code coverage analysis.

pytest --cov=xrlint --cov-report html

Code Style

XRLint source code is formatted and quality-controlled using using ruff:

ruff format
ruff check


XRLint documentation is built using the mkdocs tool.

With repository root as current working directory:

pip install .[doc]

mkdocs build
mkdocs serve
mkdocs gh-deploy

The rule reference page is generated by a script called After changing or adding a rule, make sure you recreate the page:

python -m mkruleref


XRLint is open source made available under the terms and conditions of the MIT License.

Copyright © 2025 Brockmann Consult Development