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User Guide

After installation, you can either use the zappend CLI command

zappend -t output/mycube.zarr inputs/*.nc

or the zappend Python function

from zappend.api import zappend

zappend(os.listdir("inputs"), target_dir="output/mycube.zarr")

Both invocations will create the Zarr dataset output/mycube.zarr by concatenating the "slice" datasets provided in the inputs directory along their time dimension. target_dir must specify a directory for the Zarr dataset. (Its parent directory must exist.) Both the CLI command and the Python function can be run without any further configuration provided the paths of the target dataset and the source slice datasets are given. The target dataset path must point to a directory that will contain a Zarr group to be created and updated. The slice dataset paths may be provided as Zarr as well or in other data formats supported by the xarray.open_dataset() function. Because we provided no additional configuration, the default append dimension time is used above.

The target and slice datasets are allowed to live in filesystems other than the local one, if their paths are given as URIs prefixed with a filesystem protocol such as s3:// or memory://. Additional filesystem storage options may be specified via dedicated configuration settings. More on this is given in section Data I/O below.

Zarr Format v2

By default, zappend uses the Zarr storage specification 2 and has only been tested with this version. The zarr_version setting can be used to change it, e,g, to 3, but any other value than 2 is currently unsupported.

The tool takes care of generating the target dataset from slice datasets, but doesn't care how the slice datasets are created. Hence, when using the Python zappend() function, the slice datasets can be provided in various forms. More on this is given in section Slice Sources below.

To run the zappend tool with configuration you can pass one or more configuration files using JSON or YAML format:

zappend -t output/mycube.zarr -c config.yaml inputs/*.nc

If multiple configuration files are passed, they will be merged into one by incrementally updating the first by subsequent ones.

Environment Variables

It is possible to include the values of environment variables in JSON or YAML configuration files using the syntax ${ENV_VAR} or just $ENV_VAR.

You can pass configuration settings to the zappend Python function with the optional config keyword argument. Other keyword arguments are interpreted as individual configuration settings and will be merged into the one given by config argument, if any. The config keyword argument can be given as local file path or URL (type str) pointing to a JSON or YAML file. It can also be given as dictionary, or as a sequence of the aforementioned types. Configuration sequences are again merged into one.

import os
from zappend.api import zappend


The remainder of this guide explains the how to use the various zappend configuration settings.


We use the term Dataset in the same way xarray does: A dataset comprises any number of multidimensional Data Variables, and usually 1-dimensional Coordinate Variables that provide the labels for the dimensions used by the data variables. A variable comprises the actual data array as well as metadata describing the data dimensions, units, and encoding, such as chunking and compression.

Dataset Metadata


If no further configuration is supplied, then the target dataset's outline and data encoding is fully prescribed by the first slice dataset provided. By default, the dimension along which subsequent slice datasets are concatenated is time. If you use a different append dimension, the append_dim setting can be used to specify its name:

    "append_dim": "depth"

The configuration setting append_step can be used to validate the step sizes between the labels of a coordinate variable associated with the append dimension. Its value can be a number for numerical labels or a timedelta value of the form <count><unit> for date/time labels. In the latter case <count> is an integer and <units> is one of the possible numpy datetime units, for example, 8h (8 hours) or 2D (two days). Numerical and timedelta values may be negative. append_step can also take the two special values "+" and "-". In this case it is just verified that the append labels are monotonically increasing and decreasing, respectively.

    "append_dim": "time",
    "append_step": "2D"

Other, non-variadic dimensions besides the append dimension can and should be specified using the fixed_dims setting which is a mapping from dimension name to the fixed dimension size, e.g.:

    "fixed_dims": {
        "x": 16384,
        "y": 8192

By default, without further configuration, all data variables seen in the first dataset slice will be included in the target dataset. If only a subset of variables should be used from the slice dataset, they can be specified using the included_variables setting, which is a list of names of variables that will be included:

    "included_variables": [
        "time", "y", "x",

Often, it is easier to specify which variables should be excluded:

    "excluded_variables": ["GridCellId"]


The target dataset should exploit information about itself using global metadata attributes. There are three choices to update the global attributes of the target dataset from slices. The configuration setting attrs_update_mode controls how this is done:

  • "keep" - use attributes from first slice dataset and keep them (default);
  • "replace" - replace existing attributes by attributes of last slice dataset;
  • "update" - update existing attributes by attributes of last slice dataset;
  • "ignore" - ignore attributes from slice datasets.

Extra attributes can be added using the optional configuration setting attrs:

    "attrs_update_mode": "keep",
    "attrs": {
        "Conventions": "CF-1.10",
        "title": "SMOS Level 2C Soil Moisture 2-Days Composite"

Independently of the attrs_update_mode setting, extra attributes configured by the attrs setting will always be used to update the resulting target attributes.

Attribute values in the attrs setting may also be computed dynamically using the syntax {{ expression }}, where expression is an arbitrary Python expression. For this to work, the setting permit_eval must be explicitly set for security reasons:

    "permit_eval": true,
    "attrs_update_mode": "keep",
    "attrs": {
        "time_coverage_start": "{{ ds.time[0] }}", 
        "time_coverage_end": "{{ ds.time[-1] }}"

Currently, the only variable accessible from expressions is ds which is a reference to the current state of the target dataset after the last slice append. It is of type xarray.Dataset.

Evil eval()

The expressions in {{ expression }} are evaluated using the Python eval() function. This can pose a threat to your application and environment. Although zappend does not allow you to directly access Python built-in functions via expressions, it should be used judiciously and with extreme caution if used as part of a web service where configuration is injected from the outside of your network.

The following utility functions can be used as well and are handy if you need to store the upper and lower bounds of coordinates as attribute values:

  • lower_bound(array, ref: "lower"|"upper"|"center" = "lower"): Return the lower bound of a one-dimensional (coordinate) array array.
  • upper_bound(array, ref: "lower"|"upper"|"center" = "lower"): Return the upper bound of a one-dimensional (coordinate) array array.

The ref value specifies the reference within an array element that is used as a basis for the boundary computation. E.g., if coordinate labels refer to array element centers, pass ref="center".

    "attrs": {
        "time_coverage_start": "{{ lower_bound(ds.time, 'center') }}", 
        "time_coverage_end": "{{ upper_bound(ds.time, 'center') }}"

Variable Metadata

Without any additional configuration, zappend uses the dimensions, attributes, and encoding information from the data variables of the first slice dataset. Encoding information is used only to the extent applicable to the Zarr format. Non-applicable encoding information will be reported by a warning log record but is otherwise ignored.

Variable metadata can be specified by the variables setting, which is a mapping from variable name to a mapping that provides the dimensions, attributes, and encoding information of data variables for the target dataset. All such information is optional. The provided settings will be merged with the information retrieved from the data variables with same name included in the first dataset slice.

A special "variable name" is the wildcard * that can be used to define default values for all variables:

    "variables": {
        "*": { 

If * is specified, the metadata for a particular variable is generated by merging the specific metadata for that variable into the common metadata given by *, which is eventually merged into metadata of the variable in the first dataset slice.


Only metadata from the first slice dataset is used. Metadata of variables from subsequent slice datasets is ignored entirely.


To ensure a slice variable has the expected dimensionality and shape, the dims setting is used. The following example defines the dimensions of a data variable named chl (Chlorophyll):

    "variables": {
        "chl": { 
            "dims": ["time", "y", "x"]

An error will be raised if a variable from a subsequent slice has different dimensions.


Extra variable attributes can be provided using the attrs setting:

    "variables": {
        "chl": { 
            "attrs": {
                "units": "mg/m^3",
                "long_name": "chlorophyll_concentration"


Encoding metadata specifies how array data is stored in the target dataset and includes storage data type, packing, chunking, and compression. Encoding metadata for a given variable is provided by the encoding setting. Since the encoding is often shared by multiple variables the wildcard variable name * can often be of help.

Verify encoding is as expected

To verify that zappend uses the expected encoding for your variables create a target dataset for testing from your first slice dataset and open it using ds = xarray.open_zarr(target_dir, decode_cf=False). Then inspect dataset ds using the Python console or Jupyter Notebook (attribute ds.<var>.encoding). You can also inspect the Zarr directly by opening the <target_dir>/<var>/.zarray or <target_dir>/.zmetadata metadata JSON files.


Chunking refers to the subdivision of multidimensional data arrays into smaller multidimensional blocks. Using the Zarr format, such blocks become individual data files after optional data packing and compression. The chunk sizes of the dimensions of the multidimensional blocks therefore determine the number of blocks used per data array and also their size. Hence, chunk sizes have a very large impact on I/O performance of datasets, especially if they are persisted in remote filesystems such as S3. The chunk sizes are specified using the chunks setting in the encoding of each variable. The value of chunks can also be null, which means no chunking is desired and the variable's data array will be persisted as one block.

By default, the chunking of the coordinate variable corresponding to the append dimension will be its dimension size in the first slice dataset. Often, the size will be 1 or another small number. Since xarray loads coordinates eagerly when opening a dataset, this can lead to performance issues if the target dataset is served from object storage such as S3. The reason for this is that a separate HTTP request is required for every single chunk. It is therefore very advisable to set the chunks of that variable to a larger number using the chunks setting. For other variables, you could still use a small chunk size in the append dimension.

Here is a typical chunking configuration for the append dimension "time":

    "append_dim": "time",
    "variables": {
        "*": {
            "encoding": {
                "chunks": null
        "time": { 
            "dims": ["time"],
            "encoding": {
                "chunks": [1024]
        "chl": { 
            "dims": ["time", "y", "x"],
            "encoding": {
                "chunks": [1, 2048, 2048]

Sometimes, you may explicitly wish to not chunk a given dimension of a variable. If you know the size of that dimension in advance, you can then use its size as chunk size. But there are situations, where the final dimension size depends on some processing parameters. For example, you could define your own slice source that takes a geodetic bounding box bbox parameter to spatially crop your variables in the x and y dimensions. If you want such dimensions to not be chunked, you can set their chunk sizes to null (None in Python):

    "variables": {
        "chl": { 
            "dims": ["time", "y", "x"],
            "encoding": {
                "chunks": [1, null, null]

Missing Data

To indicate missing data in a variable data array, a dedicated no-data or missing value can be specified by the fill_value setting. The value is given in a variable's storage type and storage units, see next section Data Packing.

    "variables": {
        "chl": { 
            "encoding": {
                "fill_value": -999

If the fill_value is not specified, the default is NaN (given as string "NaN" in JSON) if the storage data type is floating point; it is None (null in JSON) if the storage data types is integer, which effectively means, no fill value is used. You can also explicitly set fill_value to null (None in Python) to not use one.

Setting the fill_value for a variable can be important for saving storage space and improving data I/O performance in many cases, because zappend does not write empty array chunks - chunks that comprise missing data only, i.e., slice.to_zarr(target_dir, write_empty_chunks=False, ...).

Data Packing

Data packing refers to a simple lossy data compression method where 32- or 64-bit floating point values are linearly scaled so that their value range can be fully or partially represented by a lower precision integer data type. Packed values usually also give higher compression rates when using a compressor, see next section.

Data packing is specified using the scale_factor and add_offset settings together with the storage data type setting dtype. The settings should be given as a triple:

    "variables": {
        "chl": { 
            "encoding": {
                "dtype": "int16",
                "scale_factor": 0.005,
                "add_offset": 0.0

The in-memory value in its physical units for a given encoded value in storage is computed according to

memory_value = scale_factor * storage_value + add_offset

Hence, the encoded value is computed from an in-memory value in physical units as

storage_value = (memory_value - add_offset) / scale_factor

You can compute scale_factor and add_offset from given data range in physical units according to

  add_offset = memory_value_min
  scale_factor = (memory_value_max - memory_value_min) / (2 ** num_bits - 1)

with num_bits being the number of bits for the integer type to be used.


Data compression is specified by the compressor setting, optionally paired with the filters setting:

    "variables": {
        "chl": { 
            "encoding": {
                "compressor": {},
                "filters": []

By default, zappend uses default the default blosc compressor of Zarr, if not specified. To explicitly disable compression you must set the compressor to None (null in JSON).

The usage of compressors and filters is best explained in dedicated sections of the Zarr Tutorial, namely Compressors and Filters.

Data I/O

This section describes the configuration of how data is read and written.

All input and output can be configured to take place in different filesystem. To specify a filesystem other than the local one, you can use URIs and URLs for path configuration settings such target_dir and temp_dir as well as for the slice dataset paths. The filesystem is given by an URI's protocol prefix, such as s3://, which specifies the S3 filesystem. Additional storage parameters may be required to access the data which can be provided by the settings target_storage_options, temp_storage_options, and slice_storage_options which must be given as dictionaries or JSON objects. The supported filesystems and their storage options are given by the fsspec package.


You can use the dry_run setting to supress creation or modification of any files in the filesystem. This is useful for testing, e.g., make sure configuration is valid and slice datasets can be read without errors.

While the target dataset is being modified, a file lock is created used to effectively prevent concurrent dataset modifications. After successfully appending a complete slice dataset, the lock is removed from the target. The lock file is written next to the target dataset, using the same filesystem and parent directory path. Its filename is the filename of the target dataset suffixed by the extension .lock.


Appending a slice dataset is an atomic operation to ensure the target dataset's integrity. That is, in case a former append step failed, a rollback is performed to restore the last valid state of the target dataset. The rollback takes place immediately after a target dataset modification failed. The rollback include restoring all changed files and removing added files. After the rollback you can analyse what went wrong and try to continue appending slices at the point it failed.

To allow for rollbacks, a slice append operation is treated as a transaction, hence temporary files must be written, e.g., to record required rollback actions and to save backup files with the original data. The location of the temporary transaction files can be configured using the optional temp_dir and temp_storage_options settings:

    "temp_dir": "memory://temp"
The default value for temp_dir is your operating system's location for temporary data (Python tempfile.gettempdir()).

You can disable transaction management by specifying

    "disable_rollback": true

Target Dataset

The target_dir setting is mandatory. If it is not specified in the configuration, it must be passed either as --target or -t option to the zappend command or as target_dir keyword argument when using the zappend Python function. Note, the parent directory of target_dir must already exist.

If the target path is given for another filesystem, additional storage options may be passed using the optional target_storage_options setting.

    "target_dir": "s3://wqservices/cubes/chl-2023.zarr",
    "target_storage_options": {
        "anon": false,
        "key": "...",
        "secret": "...",
        "endpoint_url": ""

Sometimes you may want to start a new target dataset from scratch when calling zappend. A typical case is testing if a given configuration yields the desired results. The configuration flag force_new can be used to delete existing target datasets (and an existing lock) upfront.

    "target_dir": "s3://wqservices/cubes/chl-2023.zarr",
    "force_new": true

However, keep in mind that the deletion is not a transaction that can be rolled back. Therefore, a log message with warning level will be emitted if the force_new flag is set.

Setting force_new

The configuration flag force_new will force generating a new target dataset. If it already exists, it will be permanently deleted! If the deletion fails, there will be no rollback.

Slice Datasets

A slice dataset is the dataset that is appended for every slice item passed to zappend. Slice datasets can be provided in various ways.

  • When using the zappend CLI command, slice items are passed as command arguments where they point to slice datasets by local file paths or URIs.

  • When using the zappend Python function, slice items are passed using the slices argument, which is a Python iterable. You can pass a list or tuple of slice items or provide a Python generator that provides the slice items.

Each slice item can be a local file path or URI of type str or FileObj, a dataset of type xarray.Dataset, or a SliceSource object explained in more detail below.

Paths and URIs

A slice item of type str is interpreted as local file path or URI, in the case the path has a protocol prefix, such as s3:// as described above.

In the majority of zappend use cases the slice datasets to be appended to a target dataset are passed as local file paths or URIs. A slice URI starts with a protocol prefix, such as s3://, or memory://. Additional storage options may be required for the filesystem given by the URI's protocol. They may be specified using the slice_storage_options setting.

    "slice_storage_options": {
        "anon": true

Sometimes, the slice dataset to be processed are not yet available, e.g., because another process is currently generating them. For such cases, the slice_polling setting can be used. It provides the poll interval and the timeout values in seconds. If this setting is used, and the slice dataset does not yet exist or fails to open, the tool will retry to open it after the given interval. It will stop doing so and exit with an error if the total time for opening the slice dataset exceeds the given timeout:

    "slice_polling": {
        "interval": 2,
        "timeout": 600

Or use default polling:

    "slice_polling": true 

An alternative to providing the slice dataset as path or URI is using the zappend.api.FileObj class, which combines a URI with dedicated filesystem storage options.

Dataset Objects

You can also use dataset objects of type xarray.Dataset as slice item. Such objects may originate from opening datasets from some storage, e.g., xarray.open_dataset(slice_store, ...) or by composing, aggregating, resampling slice datasets from other datasets and dataset variables.

Datasets are not closed automatically

If you pass xarray.Dataset objects to zappend they will not be automatically closed. This may become be issue, if you have many datasets and each one binds resources such as open file handles. Consider using a slice source then, see below.

Chunked data arrays of an xarray.Dataset are usually instances of Dask arrays, to allow for out-of-core computation of large datasets. As a dask array may represent complex and/or expensive processing graphs, high CPU loads and memory consumption are common issues for computed slice datasets, especially if the specified target dataset chunking is different from the slice dataset chunking. This may cause Dask graphs to be computed multiple times if the source chunking overlaps multiple target chunks, potentially causing large resource overheads while recomputing and/or reloading the same source chunks multiple times. In such cases it can help to "terminate" computations for each slice by persisting the computed dataset first and then to reopen it. This can be specified using the persist_mem_slice setting:

    "persist_mem_slice": true

If the flag is set, in-memory slices will be persisted to a temporary Zarr before appending them to the target dataset. It may prevent expensive re-computation of chunks at the cost of additional i/o. It therefore defaults to false.

Slice Sources

A slice source gives you full control about how a slice dataset is created, loaded, or generated and how its bound resources, if any, are released. In its simplest form, a slice source is a plain Python function that can take any arguments and returns an xarray.Dataset:

import xarray as xr

# Slice source argument `path` is just an example.
def get_dataset(path: str) -> xr.Dataset:
    # Provide dataset here. No matter how, e.g.:
    return xr.open_dataset(path)

If you need cleanup code that is executed after the slice dataset has been appended, you can turn your slice source function into a context manager (new in zappend v0.7):

from contextlib import contextmanager
import xarray as xr

# Slice source argument `path` is just an example.
def get_dataset(path: str) -> xr.Dataset:
    # Bind any resources and provide dataset here, e.g.:
    dataset = xr.open_dataset(path)
        # Yield (not return!) the dataset
        yield dataset
        # Cleanup code here, release any bound resources, e.g.:

You can also implement your slice source as a class derived from the abstract zappend.api.SliceSource class. Its interface methods are:

  • get_dataset(): a zero-argument method that returns the slice dataset of type xarray.Dataset. You must implement this abstract method.
  • close(): Optional method. Put your cleanup code here. (in zappend < v0.7, the close method was called dispose).
import xarray as xr
from zappend.api import SliceSource

class MySliceSource(SliceSource):
    # Slice source argument `path` is just an example.
    def __init__(self, path: str):
        self.path = path
        self.dataset = None

    def get_dataset(self) -> xr.Dataset:
        # Bind any resources and provide dataset here, e.g.:
        self.dataset = xr.open_dataset(self.path)
        return self.dataset

    def close(self):
        # Cleanup code here, release any bound resources, e.g.:
        if self.dataset is not None:

You may prefer implementing a class because your slice source is complex and you want to split its logic into separate methods. You may also just prefer classes as a matter of your personal taste. Another advantage of using a class is that you can pass instances of it as slice items to the zappend function without further configuration. However, the intended use of a slice source is to configure it by specifying the slice_source setting. In a JSON or YAML configuration file it specifies the fully qualified name of the slice source function or class:

    "slice_source": "mymodule.MySliceSource"

If you use the zappend function, you can pass the function or class directly:

zappend(["", "", ""],

If the slice source setting is used, each slice item passed to zappend is passed as argument(s) to your slice source.

  • Slices passed to the zappend CLI command become slice source arguments of type str.
  • Slice items passed to the zappend function via the slices argument can be of any type, but the tuple, list, and dict types have a special meaning:

    • tuple: a pair of the form (args, kwargs), where args is a list or tuple of positional arguments and kwargs is a dictionary of keyword arguments;
    • list: positional arguments only;
    • dict: keyword arguments only;
    • Any other type is interpreted as single positional argument.

You can also pass extra keyword arguments to your slice source using the slice_source_kwargs setting. Keyword arguments passed as slice items take precedence, that is, they overwrite arguments passed by slice_source_kwargs.

If your slice source has many parameters that stay the same for all slices you may prefer providing parameters as configuration settings, rather than function or class arguments. This can be achieved using the extra setting:

    "extra": {
        "quantiles": [0.1, 0.5, 0.9],
        "use_threshold": true,
        "filter": "gauss"

To access the settings in extra your slice source function or class constructor must define a special argument named ctx. It must be a 1ˢᵗ positional argument or a keyword argument. The argument ctx is the current processing context of type zappend.api.Context that also contains the configuration. The settings in extra can be accessed using the dictionary returned from ctx.config.extra.

Here is a more advanced example of a slice source that opens datasets from a given file path and averages the values along the time dimension:

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from zappend.api import Context
from zappend.api import SliceSource
from zappend.api import zappend

class MySliceSource(SliceSource):
    def __init__(self, ctx: Context, slice_path: str):
        self.quantiles = ctx.config.extra.get("quantiles", [0.5])
        self.slice_path = slice_path
        self.ds = None

    def get_dataset(self):
        self.ds = xr.open_dataset(self.slice_path)
        return self.get_agg_slice(self.ds)

    def close(self):
        if self.ds is not None:

    def get_agg_slice(self, slice_ds: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: 
        agg_slice_ds = slice_ds.quantile(self.quantiles, dim="time")
        # Re-introduce time dimension of size one
        agg_slice_ds = agg_slice_ds.expand_dims("time", axis=0)
        agg_slice_ds.coords["time"] = self.get_mean_time(slice_ds)
        return agg_slice_ds 

    def get_mean_time(cls, slice_ds: xr.Dataset) -> xr.DataArray:
        time = slice_ds.time
        t0 = time[0]
        dt = time[-1] - t0
        return xr.DataArray(np.array([t0 + dt / 2], 

zappend(["", "", ""],


Runtime profiling is very important for understanding program runtime behavior and performance. The configuration setting profiling can be used to analyse and improve the runtime performance of zappend itself as well as the runtime performance of the computation of in-memory slices passed to the zappend() function.

To log the output of the profiling with level INFO (see next section Logging), you can use the value true:

    "profiling": true

If you like to see the output in a file too, then set profiling to the desired local file path:

    "profiling": "perf.out"

You can also set profiling to an object that allows for fine-grained control of the runtime logging:

    "profiling": {
        "log_level": "WARNING",
        "path": "perf.out",
        "keys": ["tottime", "time", "ncalls"]

Please refer to section profiling in the Configuration Reference for more details.


The zappend logging output is configured using the logging setting. In the simplest case, if you just want logging output from zappend to the console:

    "logging": true

The above uses log level INFO. If you want a different log level, just provide its name:

    "logging": "DEBUG"

If you also want logging output in a file or using a different format or if you want to see logging output of other Python modules, you can configure Python's logging system following the logging dictionary schema. Given here is an example that logs zappend's output to the console using the INFO level (same as "logging": true):

    "logging": {
        "version": 1,
        "formatters": {
            "normal": {
                "format": "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s",
                "style": "%"
        "handlers": {
            "console": {
                "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
                "formatter": "normal"
        "loggers": {
            "zappend": {
                "level": "INFO",
                "handlers": ["console"]

Using the loggers entry you can configure the logger of other Python modules, e.g., xarray or dask. The logger used by the zappend tool is named zappend.